Religious Education
Weekly Spiritual Life Class
Every Sunday 12:30pm-1:30pm
We meet every week for Spiritual Life classes, focusing on Orthodox Christian prayer, theology, and the pursuit of Christian culture.
Weekly Bible Immersion Studies
Every Saturday 3:45-4:45pm
Three separate bible studies are offered every week, for our men's group, ladies' group, and youth.
Ongoing Studies and Events
Our community also meets for a wide range of ongoing classes and events, including Sunday School for children, young adult fellowship & discussion, and more! Contact us to learn how you can get involved!

Previous Lessons
To learn more or listen to audio recordings click on the picture beside the class.
Intimacy & Mindfulness:
Encountering God in the Modern Age
Discussions on how to experience intimacy with God in an age of speed, distractions, and isolation. The study is based on the following works: Everywhere Present by Stephen Freeman and Living Into Focus by Arthur Boers.
Confession: Sacrament of Freedom
In this series, we explored what the bible and traditional Christianity have had to say about confession and how a life grounded in this sacrament awakes a deeper relationship with our Lord and God.
The Beauty of Our Liturgy
In this series of lectures, learned about the history of our worship extending to the times of the apostles, the role of beauty in our relationship with God, and the importance of standing before God in awe and wonder.